今年の2月~3月にかけて、ブルックリンにある j-collabo にて株式会社森木ペーパーさん、愛知県立芸術大学のみなさんと協働で和紙の展示会を開催しました!
From February to March of this year, we held an exhibition of Japanese paper at j-collabo in Brooklyn! In collaboration with Moriki Paper Co., and Aichi University of the Arts. Here are the poster of the exhibition and the exhibition hall.

These are the promotional leaflet created with the cooperation of Aichi University of the Arts and workshops held at the same time with the exhibition.

The Story of WASHI in New York HP: https://thestoryofwashi.wixsite.com/brooklyn
ALEQ全体HP「ALEQの成り立ち」: https://aichialeq.wixsite.com/apualeq/aleq%E3 %81%AE%E6%88%90%E3%82%8A%E7%AB%8B%E3%81%A1